Do you own an investment property and you feel that your property is not being correctly managed?

As an investor it is often difficult to know if your property manager is correctly managing your property and although you have asked them if the information they are providing you is correct, you feel that it is not. You’ve escalated to management but you are still not sure.

As part of our investor services will provide you with a confidential review of the management of your property and provide you with legislation and options.

This service is completely confidential between you and our team and we will not advise your agent that you having your property reviewed. We have no affiliations with other agents that would entice us to disclose this information to them and we are not paid a referral fee from other agents for any managements we may refer to them.

How does it work?

A landlord recently asked us to perform a Property Management Review on their property. They had a number of concerns and were not happy with their agent but they weren’t sure if what the agent was telling them was correct or not. The agent had forgotten to obtain a bond from the tenant that vacated about 8 months ago and the agent had told the landlord that they would reimburse them the money but just never did. The agent was also not correctly performing a routine inspection and report and was not addressing damage to the property caused by the tenant.

We assisted the landlord with feedback on the errors that had occurred, what should have happened, a course of action to be addressed by the agent and then finally a referral to another agent who would provide them with the service they were looking for.

RESULT: The landlord was able to recoup $1800 from the agency for the lost bond and the new agent correctly rectified the issues that was required. We also assisted the landlord in substantially reducing their notice period to move their management across to the new agent.

Contact us today if you would like a Property Management review to be conducted on your property for only

$99.00 (GST inclusive)